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Who We Are

Three Generations of Authors

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A love of books and a passion for reading...that's the legacy my mother left with me, when she passed away at age 99.  Since she suffered with severe dementia the last several years, she was unable to share the joy my daughter, grandson and I experienced as first-time authors. Nor could she comprehend that it was she - albeit having a widowed mother with four young children and a very poor childhood -  had laid the foundation for us being able to do so by her regular visits to the local library starting from childhood. Books, she told me, gave her such joy as a child.  That joy continued throughout her adult life until she was no longer able to read. 


We delight in being authors and creating stories, while pursuing our love of reading and

books. We don't look at it as 'work'. Rather, it's the joy of delving into our imagination and                      producing something worth sharing with others. And that is a wonderful connection                                  between our three generations.


I serve as editor and handle the administrative duties of publishing. Our three-member team of authors     are fully engaged in the creative process, while also working with the wonderfully talented illustrators          we have found from around the world who bring our words to life.


Blair brings to the team her experience as a former Preschool Director and Teacher, while Jackson's well-developed sense of humor often oversees that aspect of our work. And as performing members of an improv group, they both add delightful and unexpected twists and turns during our creative writing sessions.


A humorous note I have to include relates to a somewhat frustrated Jackson early on in our author journey: After several rather frustrating editing sessions of a new children's book series we were deveLoping, he apporached his mother with a very serious question. He knew that Dance in the Rain Media LLC was the company name on all of our books. He didn't fully understand who was behind that company, when he asked his mother, "Can we just go to the publisher (Dance in the Rain Media) and skip Gam?" Both Blair and l still laugh at the memory of that frustrated author-in-training. And we value the time we spend together as a family of three-generations of authors! 


Blair, Jackson and I hope you enjoy our books and share them with your own family and friends!

                                                                                                                 -Remy (aka Gam)


Blair is a Healing Touch practioner and a small business owner, Heart Centered Healing. She works with a variety of animals including providing support to both humans and their pets who have been rescued as well as senior animals who face new challenges as they age.
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Meet Cookie and Angel, Jackson's rescue cats who also are authors! 


Well, they use their pen names so they are listed as 'authors'. Get to know them 

with videos and questions from fans with lots of FREE fun stuff to download.

Reach out to us!

Thanks! We can't wait to read it.


© 2021 Dance in the Rain Media, LLC

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